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Council of Separatists

this was the term used to describe the leaders of the various galactic guilds and unions that sided with Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the Clone Wars. Leaders from the Techno Union, the Commerce Guild, the Trade Federation and the InterGalactic Banking Clan all held positions on the Council, although they ultimately had to answer to Dooku himself. The entire Council of Separatists was gathered together by General Grievous near the end of the Clone Wars, ostensibly to protect them from harm at the hands of the Republic. However, it was all part of Chancellor Palpatine's plot to assume control of the galaxy. After secreting the Council away on Mustafar, Palpatine ordered Anakin Skywalker to travel to Mustafar and eliminate them. With the extermination of the Council of Separatists, Palpatine was able to declare to the Senate that the Clone Wars were over. This allowed Palpatine to assume complete control of the galaxy.
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