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Geonosian Containment Field

this unusual security system was developed by the Geonosian race to hold prisoners in a form of stasis, without the need for active guards. The system had two generators, one on the floor and one overhead. Within each generator was a glowing orb filled with circuitry, that generated magentic energy of opposite polarity, thereby creating a huge "magnetic bottle" to contain the victim. Special wrist and ankle cuffs were placed on the victim to focus the magnetic energy through the victim, keeping the being suspended in mid-air, exactly half-way between the two orbs. What was unusual about the Geonosian containment field was its ability to trap and control even a Jedi Knight. Count Dooku discovered that the magentic field flowing between the two orbs would disrupt certain brainwaves, and among them, the victim's connection to the Force. It was for this reason that he had Obi-Wan Kenobi secured in a containment field, just prior to the Battle of Geonosis.
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