Mandalorian Civil War
this was the name used to describe the period of history just before the onset of the Clone Wars, after Jaster Mereel assumed control of the Mandalorian Mercs. Mereel dreamed of uniting the disparate clans of Mandalorian loyalists under a single leader, to refocus their energies and restore the Mandalorians to their former glory and power. His rise to powere and the creation of the Codex forced other Mandalorian Mercs to break away from Mereel's band, thus setting off the civil war. Vizsla rose to power as Mereel's primary rival, forming the Mandalorian Death Watch. In response, Mereel named himself the leaders of the True Mandalorians, and both sides set out to destroy the other. Ultimately, the Mandalorian Civil Wars very nearly wiped out both sides of the conflict and would have ultimately eradicated the Mandalorians from the galaxy. A handful of Death Watchmen survived, as did the True Mandalorian Jango Fett.