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Neimoidian Harvester Beetle

this immense, five-meter-long insect was raised by the Neimoidians on their purse-world of Cato Neimoidia. The harvester beetles were bred for their huge jaws and spined carapace: the jaws allowed the beetles to cut down trees and grains, which it then placed on its back. The spines helped to keep the cut trees and plant material atop the beetle as it moved through a grove or field, until the beetle could return to its home and unload it. These creatures moved about on four stout legs, and their flat heads were crowned with a pair of looping antennae. These antennae were used primarily as communication organs, since they exuded and decoded powerful pheromones. Communication was usually done at the hive level, with all individuals taking part in communal activities. The antennae were also used as feelers. Like most hive insects, the harvester beetle had several distinct classes, with the queen at the center of all activity. During the height of the Clone Wars, when the war came to Cato Neimoidia, harvester beetle soldiers were used as infantry against the clone troopers of the Old Republic.
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