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Reasonable Doubt

this was the name of one of the many barely-serviceable cruise ships maintained by Kut-Rate Kruises, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Previously known as the Stardust, the Reasonable Doubt was of Verpine manufacture, so was more spaceworthy than most of Kut-Rate Kruises' ships. The Reasonable Doubt was converted to a refugee ship during the Clone Wars, transporting beings to and from Coruscant on a regular basis. The ship's crew was fond of reminding passengers that only the most expensive accommodations received regular maintenance, and lesser rooms received repairs only if something was broken "beyond all Reasonable Doubt." Each corridor and level of the ship was denoted by a specific color, to help passengers find their way around. This was the ship used by Jedi Masters Jai Maruk, Maks Leem, and Yoda to begin their journey to Vjun, some thirty months after the Battle of Geonosis, in an attempt to bargain with Count Dooku for peace.
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