a race of herbivores native to the planet Naboo, these large, grasshopper-like creatures hated the water. Note that Operation: Clodhopper claims these creatures are omnivorous. The Naboo consider them pests, since they often ravage crops and destroy farmlands. The Gungans, on the other hand, consume them as tasty snacks, and use their hard shells to make musical instruments. Clodhoppers hatch from small, spherical eggs which begin incubating as soon as they encounter an atmosphere. Once hatched, infant clodhoppers voraciously attack any organic matter in search of their first meal. A pair of clodhoppers can produced as many as 2,000 babies in a week when young, and up to 1,000 babies per week as they mature, and never lose the ability to reproduce. Because of this, the export of clodhoppers was restricted, as they could wreak havoc with the natural ecosystem of an unprotected world.