Chan, Evan
this man served the Old Republic as an environmental hydrographer, investigating the environmental impacts of damage or sabotage to a planet's water system during the height of the Clone Wars. Despite his role, though, Evan was one of the many beings who hated to fly between the stars, as the jump to hyperspace made him "spiritually uncomfortable." Because of this, he kept a small flask of SomnaSkol Red - what he called "liquid courage" - in his pocket. Evan happened to be in the male refresher at the Chancellor Palpatine Spaceport when Jedi Master Yoda entered, disguised as an R2 unit, during his mission to Vjun. Evan was surprised to see the R2 unit enter a stall and start chirping, followed by a security droid that was trying to figure out why an R2 unit was in the refresher. When Yoda used the Force to get rid of the security droid, Evan was forced to take a large pull from his flask to calm his nerves before boarding his flight.