CloakShape Fighter
developed by the old Kuat Systems Engineering company, the CS fighter was a slow, underpowered, but quite durable starfighter. A few of them survived the Galactic Civil War, seeing duty in smuggler fleets. First introduced several decades before the Clone Wars, the CS Fighter was a simple design, easily modified for specific uses. Because of this, very few unmodified ships could be found by the time of the Battle of Yavin. The CS could be modified in a number of ways, mainly with the addition of Curich Engineering's rear wing and stabilizer conversion kit. This kit, which improved maneuverability and allowed the addition of a hyperdrive sled, was so popular that many people forget it wasn't part of the original design. The ClaokShape fighter measured 15 meters in length, and was armed with a pair of laser cannons and two concussion missile launchers. In the original, unmodified state, a Cloakshape fighter could attain speeds of 950 kilometers per hour in atmosphere.