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Lena Missa

this young Chagrian female was a student at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. A gifted talent with a strong connection to the Force, Lena Missa was quickly chosen as a Padawan. However, her Master was killed during the Battle of Geonosis, and Lena was without a teacher for many months. Her wait was not overly long, because many Masters wanted to take the gifted student as their apprentice. When the Apprentice Tournament was held at the Jedi Temple, Lena was one of the three combantants to survive the final-round melee combat. She found herself, along with Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy and Whie Malreaux, caught up in a fight to the finish. As Scout regretted taking Enver Hoxha's lightsaber, Lena was attacked by Whie. Their intense lightsaber battle ended when Whie managed to get inside her defenses and pin her arm behind her back. Grabbing her hand, Whie placed Lena's thumb into an odd and painful position, forcing her to yield.
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