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Rendili Fleet Crisis

this was one of the major events that occurred during the height of the Clone Wars, shortly after the destruction of Honoghr's ecosystem. The conflict began when the government of Rendili declared its support for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, more than two years after the Battle of Geonosis. They had planned to turn their entire homeworld security fleet of Dreadnaughts over to the Separatists, an act that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine feared would provide the Separatists with a military advantage over the Old Republic. Thus, Jedi Masters Saesee Tinn and Plo Koon were dispatched to Rendili to prevent the defection of the Rendili fleet at any cost, including the utter destruction of the fleet. Captain Jace Dallin of the Rendili navy would have agreed to turn the fleet over to the Republic, but one of his junior officers led a mutiny. Mellor Yago managed to gain control of the fleet for a brief time, but the arrival of Separatist forces only gave the Republic's warships a reason to begin firing. In a brief exchange, many of the Dreadnaughts were disabled. Yago attempted to execute a linked jump into hyperspace, but a daring mission by Anakin Skywalker disabled Yago's flagship. Anakin's mission provided enough cover to allow Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos to rescue Plo Koon and Jace Dallin, and the Separatist forces in orbit around Rendili were defeated. The Rendili fleet was then surrendered to the Republic. The outcome not withstanding, Chancellor Palpatine saw the possible defection of the Rendili fleet as a dangerous possibility for the Republic, and pushed for legislation that would bring every Republic world's home fleet under the direct command of the Republic itself.
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