Cliffborer Worm
this arthropod creature was native to the sandstone outcroppings found on the planet Tatooine. They could grow to lengths of ten meters or more, but the average cliffborer was usually about 4 meters in length. A pair of jointed, vestigial legs provided the cliffborer with a way to defend itself, as well as a way to move through its tunnels. Note that the Illustrated Star Wars Universe indicates that the legs of the cliffborer worm were found at the rear of its body, while the Alien Anthology portrays the cliffborer with legs near its head. They inhabit the rocky outcroppings that are sprinkled throughout the desert, subsiding on razor moss and lichens. The tough skin of the cliffborer worm was used to make durable boots, and could also be fashioned into coverings for speeders.