this was the callsign of the clone commando known as the Green Wizard. He earned the nickname from his leadership skills and his piloting abilities. He was dispatched to Praesitlyn some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis, as part of the task force led by Nejaa Halcyon and Anakin Skywalker to liberate the Intergalactic Communications Center from Separatist forces. CT-19/39 was part of the fifty-clone team commanded by Skywalker, and was one of the first scouts send out to gather intellignece on the forces holding the center. Unfortunately for Halcyon and Skywalker, the other three clone commandos dispatched with CT-19/39 were killed before they reached the center. CT-19/39 managed to reach the center and gather the necessary data, but was unable to report back before Halcyon launched his first attacks. CT-19/39 was fatally injured when he was struck by artillery shrapnel, just before he made his report. He died trying to make his way back to the Republic's command post, knowing that he had done his best.