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Uj Cake

this was the informal name for a sweet, filling, amber-colored dessert cake that was considered the staple of the Mandalorian diet. Its full name was uj'alayi, and it was not uncommon to find it served at formal parties during the last years of the Old Republic. Uj cake was made from a dense, sweet cake that was created from ground nuts, dried fruits, and various spices. A thick syrup called uj'jayl was then poured over the cake and allowed to soak in, creating a sticky mass that was packed with nutrients and energy-producing sugars. The origins of uj'alayi came from the rations that were provided to ancient Mandalorian soldiers, and it was often said that uj cake was first cooked inside the helmet of a soldier before it was put up for storage. The modern version of uj cake was baked in a round pan, and wrapped well to prevent damage. Even in its unpreserved state, uj cake lasted for years because of its high sugar content.
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