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Uthan, Ovolot Qail

this respected scientist and researcher was hired by Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems to develop nanoviruses that could be used as weapons during the Clone Wars. Her first discovery was a nanovirus that could be altered to act solely on the clone troopers being created for the Grand Army of the Republic. This discovery led to a great deal of funding, and Uthan was transported to Qiilura to continue her work. On Qiilura, she was supported and protected by Ghez Hokan, and she was able to establish a facility that allowed her to work in private. The primary problem with the development of the nanovirus was creating something that would attack only clone troopers, which were essentially Mandalorians, which differed very little from baseline human stock. Thus, the unrefined nanovirus was capable of killing indiscriminately. She had nearly uncovered a way to target the clones when her operation on Qiilura was discovered by the Old Republic. When Jedi Master Kast Fulier was killed trying to locate her, the Republic dispatched a squad of clone commandos to locate her. With the help of Master Fulier's Padawan, Etain Tur-Mukan, the commandos were able to infiltrate Hokan's complex and capture Uthan. The threat of the nanovirus was eliminated when the commandos destroyed the research facility. Uthan was injured during the extraction of the commandos, when she was being carried by Atin. One of Hokan's soldiers hit Atin with a blast from a Verpine shatter gun, injuring both of them. Uthan herself was badly injured by a pieces of Atin's body armor which had absorbed the blast and shattered into shrapnel. Fortunately, both were removed to a medical frigate and treated immediately, and both Atin and Uthan survived the blast.
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