this lavender-skinned, female Twi'lek inhabited the criminal underworld of the Cularin System during the height of the Clone Wars. In public places, Caranna seemed to be a very talkative woman, and many considered her prattle to be quite annoying. She was chosen by Tendin Vought - a.k.a., Razor - to assist him on his mission to hunt down Nirama. Underneath her babbling exterior, Caranna was considered one of the galaxy's best bounty hunters, which was the main reason that Razor decided to work with her. While Vought negotiated with their droid employers for a new starship, additional melee weapons, and a protective suit of armor, Caranna pretended to simply hold his hands and pat them with her own. He was unprepared for Caranna's treachery, though, when she poisoned him with a mild toxin during the negotiations with their employers. She left Vought's inert form behind, and set out on the mission alone.