Clancy, Taryn
a member of the Core Courier Service, she was trying to deliver information about a rendezvous location to the New Republic fleet, but was caught on Coruscant during one of the many early battles for the planet. Taryn was the daughter of Kal Clancy, and learned everything she could about flying a starship from him aboard the Lassen. However, Kal's love for his daughter often manifeted itself as criticism, and Taryn finally had to split with her father and go her separate way. She was in command of the courier craft Messenger along with her partner, Del Sato, although the run to Coruscant was only her fourth as commander on the Messenger. She and Del were conscripted to help Jak Bremen reach the cruiser Hope with information vital to the New Republic, despite their own misgivings. After surviving the run, Bremen offered them a chance to join the Republic, but they declined.