this young girl eked out a meager existence as a thief on the planet Korriban, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. She found a makeshift residence in the Sith monastery beneath Dreshdae's plateau, a place where very few other beings chose to visit. Auben earned a few credits selling various items that she had stolen, usually from visiting starships. When Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin approached her, during their mission to apprehend Granta Omega, they were pointed to Auben as a source of information. She agreed to help them, but they found themselves pursued by the droid armies of the Commerce Guild. Auben led them to the lowest levels of the monastery, where an ancient hangar bay provided the only escape route. Unfortunately, the Sith Lord who was on Korriban to meet Granta Omega discovered her in the hangar and killed her when she got in his way.