this is the name given to the thick, pearlescent microcrystals found in the atmosphere of Monor II. Billions of these microcrystals can be found in a single cubic meter of air, and breathing them is hazardous to most races because it shreds the delicate tissues of the lungs. The native Sunesi have evolved the ability to breathe it, and it plays a large part in the change from young Sunesi to adulthood. Juveniles of the species cannot survive long without it in their atmosphere, and require it in order to create the protective coccoons used during their metamorphosize into adults. The cirrifog was found to be useful in certain applications during the early days of the New Order, shortly after Eujustus Kline discovered it. The Empire began mining the microcrystals, and extracted so much of them that the juvenile Sunesi were threatened. Agapos the Ninth spoke out against the Empire, and was condemned to death.