Ciro, Noell
this man was the younger brother of Keleman Ciro, and served as a strafighter pilot in the New Republic military. A native of Dolomar, Noell was an accomplished swoop racer who was stationed at the Sluis Van Outer Starfighter Base. He was later assigned as an X-Wing pilot during the assault on Kal'Shebbol, joining the crew of the FarStar to serve with his brother during the initial stage of the search for Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. Unfortunately for Kelemon, though, Noell was killed in action shortly after the mission started. During the FarStar's efforts to provide relief to the planet Kolatill, Noell found himself in battle with a group of Imperial TIE Bombers, and gave his life to ensure that the refugees on Kolatill were freed from Imperial control.