Twisted Rancor Trio
this band was popular on the planet Taris, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The band was the brainchild of Gilthos Uksaris, who created the trio in order to get a date with Elinda. Uksaris then hired the Bith brothers Ujaa and Ujii as musicians. Led by Elinda's powerful vocals, the Twisted Rancor Trio became quite popular. However, Ujaa was a poor musician, who was replaced by Loopa. Ujii then quit in protest, and Uksaris brought in Fodo to replace him. This second incarnation of the band proved even more popular than the first, and drew the attention of Davik Kang. Elinda refused to play for Kang, because of his connections to the Exchange, and she was replaced by her sister, Ashanda.