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a female Mon Calamari Ambassador to the New Republic, she is found to have a good deal of sensitivity to The Force. She joined Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy, and became a Jedi healer. Her ties to her uncle, Admiral Ackbar, and her outstanding service to the Mon Calamari people eventually led her into politics, and she became Calamari's Senator to the New Republic. When the Diversity Alliance rose to power, Cilghal suggested that the New Republic send a delegation to Ryloth to determine what they were trying to do. This came on the heels of the testimony of several of Skywalker's young Jedi students, who had been imprisoned by the Diversity Alliance against their will. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Cilghal returned to the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4 and took Tekli on as an apprentice. During this time, Cilghal discovered that the fear of further invasion, coupled with the knowledge that the New Republic was nearly powerless to stop the aliens, was creating a great deal of stress illness throughout the galaxy. Cilghal found a calling, shortly after the Battle of Duro, in helping Mara Jade Skywalker survive her pregnancy. She traveled with the Skywalkers to the Errant Venture, after Borsk Fey'lya ordered the arrest of Luke Skywalker, and discovered that the synthetic tears Mara had been using to arrest her Yuuzhan Vong-induced disease had been building up other toxins in her system. All of Mara's immunities had been shunted to the protection of her unborn child, but the resulting toxic shock syndrome threatened the child's life. Cilghal and Luke used the strength of the Force to keep Mara alive, and Luke's desparate actions ultimately saved Mara and the baby.
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