Jib Kopatha
this Bothan crimelord and information broker was one of many minor underworld figures who were active during the height of the New Order. He ran his small operation from Void Station, a wondrous fortress built on the surface of a remote asteroid. The forces of the Empire made frequent use of Jib's services, until his information began to grow unreliable. Darth Vader was dispatched to ensure Jib's continued cooperation and loyalty to the Empire, which could be demonstrated if Jib could obtain viable information on the Alliance forces that destroyed the first Death Star. Jib feared for his own life, given that he had only a short period of time to obtain the information Vader wanted. Luckily, Sheel Odala came to him with an offer to repay the debt show owed him: she would provide Han Solo as a means of erasing the debt. Jib's Trandoshan thugs captured Solo, and brought him to Kopatha for interrogation. Solo proved to be much stronger than Kopatha's interrogation expert, Choba, had anticipated, and Kopatha decided that he would be better off just turning Solo over to Vader for further interrogation. It was then that Sheel and Chewbacca rescued Solo, leaving Kopatha to face Vader's wrath. He tried to talk his way out the situation, claiming that he had Solo under interrogation but managed to lose him. Vader was not pleased, and beheaded Kopatha with a single arc of his lightsaber.