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Crimson Nova

this was the of a powerful branch of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, active during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was Crimson Nova's leadership that sanctioned the bounty offered by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the heads of the Jedi Knights, during the height of the Clone Wars. Previously, the guild had chosen to avoid the Jedi Knights, knowing that their powers were too great to overcome, in addition to the fact that the Jedi Order operated with the consent of the Galactic Senate. As the Clone Wars ground on, however, many bounty hunters came to see that the Jedi were just as vulnerable as other troops, and they became emboldened to the idea of killing a Jedi for a large sum of credits. The Crimson Nova chapter was approached by Kh'aris Fenn, who had a person vendetta against the Jedi, and agreed to take on the bounties. To put a stop to the hunts, Jedi Master Mace Windu led a strike team to the Crimson Nova base, a space station known as The Rig, to bring the Crimson Nova leader Mika to justice. After a brief firefight, Mika was stunned into submission by her mentor, Stroth, bringing an end to the hunting.
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