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Ugnaught Surface

this was the name of the floating city envisioned by Boss Ugnor, and eventually stablished in orbit around the planet Bespin. Located a kilometer below Cloud City, the Ugnaught Surface was created from left-over materials used to create Ecclessis Figg's floating city. In fact, it was Figg himself who donated the materials, in thanks for the hard work of the Ugnaught population. It was used as a base from which Ugnaughts could mine the ores and minerals used to construct the Cloud City facility at Bespin. Once the city was completed, the Ugnaught Surface became something of a refuge for those Ugnaughts who no longer wanted to live on Cloud City, nor return to their homeworld of Gentes. It measured a square kilometer in surface area, and contained artificial landscapes filled with swamps, marshes, and jungles that were reminiscent of Gentes. The city of Ugnorgrad dominated the largest of four sections of the Surface, and was connected to the others by tunnel-like transport tubes. Its bouyancy was maintained by a collection of tibanna-gas-filled bladders, and its bowl-shaped structure allowed it to collect condensing moisture from Bespin's atmosphere, which could be used to feed the artificial landscapes. When Lando Calrissian took over as Baron-Administrator of Cloud City, he promised to double the wages of the Ugnaught miners, provided that any tibanna gas mining on the Surface was halted.
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