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Church of Infinite Perception

this quasi-religious organization grew out of the tight control exercised on the planet Pergitor after extensive mining resulted in volcanic eruptions. The eruptions spewed toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, permanently poisoning it. Travel was restricted to and from Pergitor by the ruling class, and trade was similarly restricted. The youth of the planet began to rebel, and when young members of the aristocracy became involved, the movement started to gain strength. Under the guidance of the Preceptor, the youths of the Church fought against the government for fifteen years before finally overthrowing the government and establishing an authoritarian theocracy. The final, bloody coup occurred just before the onset of the Clone Wars, as the Church finally defeated the young government. Rumors abound that the Church and its victory over the former government was masterminded by Emperor Palpatine. The Church maintains a tight grip on the planet's people, and established a set of rigid laws.
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