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this young man was one of the thousands of Jedi Padawans who were thrust into battle during the Clone Wars. Distinguished by his short-cropped blond hair, Cal was the student of Jedi Master Tyffix, who was also killed in battle when Sephi suicide bombers infiltrated their command post. This left Cal and fellow Padawan Pix stranded with only a handful of clone troopers for support. Their call for aid reached Coruscant, and Jedi Master Yoda traveled to Thustra to try and convince King Alaric to remain loyal to the Old Republic. Alaric refused, and had both Yoda and Cal imprisoned until the battle was over. Cal became increasing agitated at Yoda's lack of action, wondering why the Jedi Master refused to take matters into his own hands. Yoda tried to make the youth see the error of his aggressive ways, remembering the charity Cal had as a boy. Cal, however, grew more and more impatient with the diminutive Jedi Master, and was more than willing to listen when Alaric's nephew, Navi, came to speak to him privately. Navi's words further kindled Cal's desire to fight, and he provided the young Jedi with a fabricated escape route. Although he convinced Yoda to follow him, Cal was unable to persuade him to defend himself when the escape route turned out to be a trap. Cal fought valiantly, but was cut down by blaster fire. As he died, Cal cursed Yoda for his lack of action, blaming Yoda for not killing Alaric when he had a chance. Yoda did his best to ease Cal's pain, but could not convince the young student of his errors.
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