Chun, Bruck
this Jedi apprentice was a contemporary of Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the time they spent at the Jedi training center on Coruscant. Chun was a typical bully, who believed that he had more aptitude in the Force that anyone, including young Obi-Wan. He nicknamed Obi-Wan "Oafy-Wan" after he tripped and fell, bringing Chun down with him in the process. Bruck was two months younger than Obi-Wan, and was easily distinguished by his ice-blue eyes and shocking white hair. Chun hoped to impress Qui-Gon Jinn, when the Jedi Master arrived to take a new Padawan apprentice, and arranged for Obi-Wan to be sent to Bandomeer after claiming he started a fight. While Obi-Wan was dispatched to the Agricultural Corps on Bandomeer, Qui-Gon didn't choose a new Padawan, and Bruck was left on Coruscant. Bruck continued to grow in skills, however. When Qiu-Gon returned from Melida/Daan with Tahl, he agreed to take part in training exercises with the most advanced students. Bruck Chun managed to keep Qui-Gon off-guard for a long time during one battle exercise, earning the Jedi Master's respect. However, in the end, Qiu-Gon's patience and experience defeated Bruck's youthful energy and exuberance. However, despite his adherence to the Jedi code, Bruck was implicated in a series of thefts of Jedi artifacts. He was discovered to be working with a non-Jedi accomplice by Qui-Gon and Tahl. His accomplice turned out to be Xanatos, who had developed a business relationship with Bruck's father on Telos. During Xanatos' attempt to destroy the Jedi Temple and escape, Bruck was forced to battle Obi-Wan to cover Xanatos' flight. During a lightsaber duel in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, Bruck slipped on a wet rock and fell off a cliff, hitting the rocks below and breaking his neck. He was killed instantly. In the investigation into his death, it ws discovered that Xanatos had hidden a transmitter inside Bruck's lightsaber hilt, in order to listen in to the conversations inside the Jedi Temple.