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this Ewok was supposedly obtained by Tycho Celchu on the planet Kidriff Five, during a raid on a warehouse full of exotic pets being sold on the planet to supporters of Warlord Zsinj. Tycho recognized that a real, live Ewok would be needed to convince Zsinj of the existence of Lieutenant Kettch in the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force, and felt that they could teach Chulku the basic responses needed to fool the Warlord. When Wes Janson learned of Chulku, he felt that Wedge Antilles had been crazy to pull the stunt, but agreed with the need to fool Zsinj. However, it was Janson himself who was being fooled. With the help of the other Wraiths, Wedge arranged for Chulku to escape just as he and Wes were going to start working with him. In an effort to capture the runaway Ewok, Wes tripped over some cleaning chemicals and doused himself. Wedge knew that the chemicals had been purposely spilled by Dia Passik, but suggested that they strip and smear Ewok fool on themselves to hide the smell. Wes, completely fooled by the charade, did as Wedge suggested. Wes thought he had captured Chulku, but discovered that he had found the stuffed Ewok doll Wedge used to simulate Kettch. Then, Wedge called all the Wraiths to order, and Janson was left naked, covered with Ewok food, and holding the stuffed Ewok. The entire operation had been Wedge's revenge for Wes's use of the stuffed Kettch in several escapades aimed at Wedge himself.
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