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this ancient Republic Fleet Systems cruiser was huge, at nearly two kilometers in length and forty meters in height, and was constructed in orbit around the planet Abhean more than 400 years before the onset of the Clone Wars. The Chu'unthor, named for the Cerean word meaning "academy", was the brainchild of Fin-So-Rowan, Ivixa Delbaeth, and a number of other forward-thinking Jedi Masters. It was designed to serve as a sort of mobile space station used by the ancient Jedi Knights, and was the primary ship in the Exploration Corps of the ancient Jedi. It provided ample space for 10,000 Jedi, along with hundreds of exercise rooms, training areas and medical facilities. The ship was shaped like an arrow, with ots training facilities located in the wings. Medical facilities were locate in the main fuselage, just behind the command center, while classrooms were located at the front of the ship. The Chu'unthor was basically unarmed, having just eight tractor beam projectors in its "arsenal". The ship's cargo capacity was rated as 40,000 metric tons, and it was propeled through space by a huge array of hyperdrive engines. It could be dispatched to anywhere in the galaxy to help resolve conflicts, and it was hoped that the success of the Chu'unthor would keep the Jedi Order from stagnating by visiting new worlds with new ideas. Many of its corridors and training centers had clear, transparisteel covers that allowed the Jedi to have a full view of the galaxy. The Chu'unthor served faithfully for many decades, but plans for additional ships never came to fruition. Just after passing 100 years of service, the Chu'unthor was dispatched to the planet Dathomir, where the Jedi were in battle with the Force-wielding Nightsisters. During the fighting, the ship took heavy damage, and was forced to crash-land in the swamps. After a truce was formed between the two sides, the Chu'unthor - which held a good deal of Jedi lore and teachings - was abandoned by the Jedi, who left the planet. One of the creators of the truce, the Jedi Master Yoda, asked that the ship be left alone until a young Jedi came to free the planet from the Nightsisters. Three hundred years later, Luke Skywalker fulfilled this prophecy.
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