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Oasis Mother

this unusual organism was native to the waterholes of the planet Endregaad. It was known to have two distinct phases: an immature phase, known as an oasis child, which was essentially a mobile plant; and the semi-mobile adult form known as the oasis mother. In its adult form, the oasis mother resembled a huge tree, and would plant itself near a large water source. Because it was rooted in one place, the oasis mother relied on the oasis children to bring it food, which consisted of warm blood and dying flesh. An oasis mother consumed it meal by extending pointed tendrils from its trunk, piercing the flesh of its prey and and "drinking" its vital fluids. The empty shell of the prey is then drawn into the trunk and converted into an organic mulch for later consumption. The oasis mother was linked to her children via telepathy, which she used to indicate her hunger and her needs. Hanging from the limbs of the oasis mother were clusters of huge fruit, which were the sacs in which the oasis children were grown.
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