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this espionage and infiltration droid was developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, from a base on the planet Dagro, during the first year of the Clone Wars. The mission profile of the crawl-carrier was to reach an otherwise secure location - one that couldn't be reached by organic beings or by larger droids - and either destroy it or render it useless. These squat, rectangular droids moved about on eight segmented legs, and could be modified for a variety of uses. One version of the crawl-carrier was known as an acid droid, and carried a payload of highly-caustic, green acid. Others could be adapted to carry anti-personnel explosives, electrical disruptors, or even other droids like shockers. In this way, the crawl-carrier was the perfect terrorism weapon, allowing Separatist forces to disrupt the normal, day-to-day services of enemy emplacements. The primary development facility for crawl-carriers was hidden on the planet Dagro, until it was destroyed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, about a year after the Battle of Geonosis.
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