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this clone trooper was one of many who suffered from an undetermined malady during the Jasserak Engagement on Drongar, during the height of the Clone Wars. He was admitted for treatment to the Rimsoo Seven military hospital after experiencing fainting spells every time he stood up. The doctors and medics at Rimsoo Seven were unable to find a cause for his malady, until Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee arrived at the unit. With the Force, she was able to discover that CT-914 had suffered an injury to his hypothamlus, which was causing disruptions to his neural network. Offee managed to "massage" the hypothalmus, removing the malignancy and allowing CT-914 to return to action. This experience, coupled with the death of CT-915, elicited strong emotions from CT-914. The trooper understood what emotions were, but often supressed them in order to focus on his job. CT-915 had been decanted just after him, and so they shared a bond that was strengthened during their training. They had spent many off-duty hours together, and CT-914 had considered CT-915 to be his brother. His seeming humanity proved to be an enigma to Doctor Jos Vondar, who had always thought of clone troopers as emotionless drones. Thus, CT-914's death in a Separatist ambush shortly afterward left Doctor Vondar with a deep sense of sorrow and loss, having accepted CT-914 as an example of a clone trooper's humanity.
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