Radiant Splendor
this aging Barzo freighter was in a poor state of disrepair when it was acquired in a game of dice by Kelna Toodo, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. When Toodo investigated its holds, he found a worthless mixture of cloth and holocubes before uncovering a caged Corellian sand panther. His plans to sell the ship for scrap were dashed, and Toodo had to figure out a way to get rid of the sand panther without getting into trouble. After he was ordered by Beeda the Hutt to eliminate a group of meddlers, Kelna figured he could strand them inside the Radiant Splendor and have the sand panther kill them. He could then kill the sand panther on the grounds of self-defense and be done with it. With the help of Lyt Re, Toodo managed to "lose" the Radiant Splendor to the meddlers in a sabacc match. Kelna's plan also worked to perfection. However, the meddlers managed to get the sand panther back in its cage, and jettisoned Kelna in an escape pod. They took the Radiant Splendor to the nearest system and turned it over to the authorities.