Cholus, Aven
born into the prestigious Cholus family of the planet Pencael IV, this woman was trained as a pilot in her youth and planned to join the Imperial Academy like her brother Senn. However, she found herself morally opposed to the oppression of the Empire, and deserted her family to join the Alliance. She was soon assigned as a pilot to Scandium Team, and became the leader of the Team's flight crews when Jouffer Talamiin was injured in the Battle of Gendrah-Narvin. She earned the Alvace Star at the Battle of Fendry, and was one of just six members of Scandium Team to survive the Wellte-ir Massacre, where she rescued the other survivors from the Umber Banks. Aven was assigned to Gale Team, but her inability to leader the former smugglers led to a demotion. She served the rest of her military career as a shuttle pilot, but harbored a great deal of guilt at the loss of Scandium Team.