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this young man was one of Ren S'orn's friends on Simpla-12. Cholly, along with his buddies Weez and Tup, were bumblers at best who worked hard not to work at all. The three friends agreed to help Obi-Wan Kenobi and Astri Oddo investigate Ren's death and the machinations of Jenna Zan Arbor. After Tino told Obi-Wan and Astri of Captain Yur T'aug's halt to the investigation of Ren's death, Weez, Cholly, and Tup followed the two to Coruscant. They hoped to find the location of Zan Arbor's hidden stash of medicines and vaccines, taking them and selling them for a huge profit. They had planned to steal them all along, but Ren had told them to stay away from Zan Arbor. Weez felt that if the trio could see Ren's belongings, they could locate the stash and obtain the medicines. The trio returned to Simpla-12 with Obi-Wan and Astri, but were unable to help them infiltrate Zan Arbor's lab. The trio tried to redeem themselves by helping Astri locate Ona Nobis, first tailing the bounty hunter on Sorrus and then following her to Belasco. In the end, the boys never saw any fighting, but provided "moral support." They agreed to travel to Coruscant with Astri to work as Didi's Café.
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