this Nautolan appeared on Ord Cestus, bringing news from Count Dooku to the Five Families during the height of the Clone Wars. Nemonus was known for a number of crimes in which he held innocent people hostage to obtain what he wanted, trading blood for credits. In reality, Nemonus was Jedi Master Kit Fisto, who tried to frighten the Families into joining the Old Republic during the war. Nemonus claimed that Dooku was greatly upset at the Families' attempt to raise the prices of their JK-series droids, and that Dooku feared the Families could no longer be trusted. In order to force their hands, Nemonus managed to kidnap several prominent members of the Five Families, and held them in a speeder deep in the tunnels below ChikatLik. The plan was to make the Five Families believe that Count Dooku had betrayed them, then to have Obi-Wan Kenobi "rescue" the leaders as a way to lure the Five Families into siding with the Republic. In a carefully staged fight, Obi-Wan was able to drive Nemonus off, thereby saving the Family members from harm. Unfortunately, while the entire incident did convince the Five Families to briefly side with the Republic, the entire incident was recorded by Asajj Ventress. The Dark Jedi then provided a tape of the incident to the Five Families, showing that the entire kidnapping was a farce.