this industrial city was located on the planet Ord Cestus, some 300 kilometers south of ChikatLik and seventy-five kilometers southeast of the Dashta Mountains. The city itself was built into the crust of the planet by the X'Ting, who burrowed well below the surface to reach an aquifer that could supply them with fresh water. During the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, Clandes was converted to serve as the location of a major communications junction between the largest cities of the planet. The power and connections required to service cities such as ChikatLik - not to mention the secret bunker maintained by the Five Families - meant that Clandes was exposed to intense levels of radiation. This rendered the city uninhabitable, a situation that provided the Five Families with a surprising bonus. Because the city was uninhabited, they did not have to employ the normal safety systems required in a high-radiation area. In this way, the Families maintained their communications and power grids without spending credits on additional shielding. Much of the original cityscape was leveled to make room for the manufacturing facilities of Clandes Industrial.