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this X'Ting was a noted crimelord on the planet Ord Cestus, during the last years of the Old Republic. Many considered Trillot to be one of the most powerful beings in the capital city of ChikatLik, operating at the nexus between the criminal underworld, the corporate leaders, and the other races of Ord Cestus. Among Trillot's primary contacts was his distant cousin, Caiza Quill, linking Trillot to the powerful Five Families. Originally hired by Cestus Cybernetics as a communications drone, Trillot found a niche in labor relations. He was known as a risk-taker, which helped him gather wealth and influence in a short period of time. He managed to find a source of viptiel that helped keep his sexual phases changes to a minimum, allowing him to operate without the need to reporduce. In order to better interact with his various underworld contacts, Trillot learned a multitude of languages, and spoke many of them fluently. Trillot always tried to play all the angles of a situation, so during the Clone Wars Trillot worked with both the Separatists and the Old Republic. Some two years after the Battle of Geonosis, Trillot was a male who was experiencing the change to female when she agreed to serve as a contact for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto, when the Jedi Masters were dispatched to Ord Cestus to learn the truth behind the Separatist involvement in the JK-series security droid. However, Trillot was intercepted by Asajj Ventress before he could meet with Obi-Wan. The Dark Jedi forced Trillot to remember his deal with Count Dooku, and Trillot immediately agreed to lead the Jedi down a false trail. Ventress, however, wanted to capture the Jedi, and ordered Trillot to provide as much of the truth as Obi-Wan requested. After the Desert Wind terrorists were routed, Trillot and many other inhabitants of ChikatLik felt a brief sigh of relief, until the terrorists severely disabled the Clandes Industrial complex. As Cestians began hording their resources against a possible shortage, gambling and drug revenues quickly dwindled to minimal levels, leaving Trillot with almost nothing. After Asajj Ventress failed to kill Obi-Wan, and the Five Families were smashed, Trillot found herself confronted by the Dark Jedi, who needed to ensure that there were no loose ends to expose Dooku's plot. With a swift slash of her lightsaber, Ventress executed Trillot.
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