Gabonna Memory Crystals
this highly-specialized computer crystal was used in the production of some of the galaxy's most advanced security droids, during the last decades of the Old Republic. When the Clone Wars broke out, the Old Republic restricted the availability of Gabonna crystals - along with other important technical parts - to ensure that they were made readily available for the military effort. The primary consumer of these crystals was Cestus Cybernetics, which used them in the production of the Cesta line of security droids. Because of this, Cestus Cybernetics was forced to abandon production of Cesta droids, which caused severe economic hardship on the planet. The corporation and much of the population on Ord Cestus decided to remain neutral - even hostile - toward the Republic, rather than side with it against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. When Count Dooku offered Cestus Cybernetices an abundant supply of its own Gabonna crystals as payment for thousands of JK-series security droids, Cestus Cybernetics eagerly agreed to supply the droids to the Separatists.