this was the nickname used by the ARC trooper designated CT-44/444, during the height of the Clone Wars. When he was assigned to the small group that was dispatched to Ord Cestus, some two years after the Battle of Geonosis, Forry was the only trooper who had any knowledge of the planet, having spent time in a nearby sector. Forry, like many of the other ARC troopers, held a measure of disdain for the Jedi Knights, especially after trooper CT-36/732 was defeated by the combat droid JK-13. With the trooper's defeat, Jedi Master Kit Fisto stepped forward to combat the droid, and eventuall defeated it. This, in Forry's mind, was simply showing off in front of the masses. Forry helped Kit Fisto and Nate train the commandos of the Desert Wind terrorist group, and was among the survivors who managed to escape their lair when Asajj Ventress sent a group of infiltration droids to destroy them. When Nate's body was not recovered, they feared that Nate had been killed, or had broken the Code and betrayed them all in the first place.