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this Ewok was the leader of Bright Tree Village's Council of Elders for forty-two seasons before the Battle of Endor. Chirpa had been married briefly to Ra-Lee, and had two daughters, Asha and Kneesaa. Shortly before the fateful events of the Battle of Endor, Chirpa found himself confronted with Han Solo, Leia Organa,and Luke Skywalker. He was reluctant to believe the words of the Alliance's ground assault team on Endor's forest moon, fearing them to be part of the Imperial force which was destroying their environment. However, after seeing C-3PO's magic and realizing their good intentions, Chirpa agreed to assist them in ridding the moon of the Imperial presence. He carried a staff made from the spine of a large lizard, and had a pet iguana who served as his chief advisor. After the death of the Emperor at Endor, Chirpa was forced to banish Logray from Bright Tree Village, when the shaman exiled Wicket for disagreeing with one of his commandments. Chirpa promoted Paploo to serve as the village shaman, and allowed Wicket to return. Upon his death, Chirpa was replaced as leader by his daughter, Kneesaa.
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