this city, located on the planet Shalyvane, was the spiritual focal point of the Em'liy race for many generations. During the Galactic Civil War, Darth Vader placed Shira Brie on Shalyvane near the city, so that she could infiltrate the Alliance forces that had been gathering on the planet. During the early years of the New Order, according to Shira, the non-human Em'liy of Shalyvane had agreed to sign a peace treaty with the humans, and a great celebration was to be held at the Circle of Kavaan. According to her story, the Em'liy had then destroyed the city themselves, a story that Imperial propaganda supported. Shira's story was later shown to be a fabrication when Luke Skywalker met G'hinji in the burned-out remains of a building near Chinshassa. In reality, thebombing of Chinshassa had been fully arranged by the Empire as a "disciplinary cleansing" of Shalyvane's rebellious population. The celebration was fabricated in order to gather the population into a single place, where Imperial forces could bombard supposed rebel activity. The Em'liy were upset and ashamed that they had not been vigilant enough to prevent the humans from entering the city, and chose to abandon their holy city rather than try to fight the Imperial propaganda. Chinshassa was left to fall to ruin, and the Em'liy turned to a nomadic lifestyle.