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this Yuuzhan Vong commander was in charge of the Creche', the yammosk ship which took on prisoners from Gyndine to help nurture a newborn yammosk. Chine-kal was distinguished by his clothing, which depicted and - in the case of the raptor in his turban and his strangely organic cape - was made up of animals. When he discovered that one of his captured slaves was actually Wurth Skidder, Chine-kal hoped to attain favor with Tsavoong Lah and the Yuzhan Vong leadership by presenting the Jedi to them. However, the Creche' was attacked at Kalarba by Kyp's Dozen, and Chine-kal was forced to flee. He headed for Fondor, hoping to meet up with the main fleet and rescue the yammosk on board. Instead, Kyp's small squadron followed them to Fondor and infiltrated the Creche'. They arrived too late to save Skidder, but managed to kill the yammosk and defeat Chine-kal. Chine-kal remained aboard the dying ship, but was killed when the blast from Centerpoint Station ripped through the Fondor System and incinerated the Creche'.
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