Child of Winds
this young Qom Qae was the first of his kind to encounter Luke Skywalker, when the Jedi Master arrived on Nirauan to search for Mara Jade. He offered to enlist the aid of the Qom Jha in Luke's search, but his father, Hunter of Winds, objected. Child of Winds opted to disobey his father and help Luke, after the Jedi indicated that Mara was a good friend who needed his help. The young Qom Qae continued to be invaluable, persuading the Qom Jha to help and helping Luke and Mara move around the compound by carrying them. When he learned that the Threateners would leave the Qom Qae and Qom Jha alone if Luke and Mara left and the Chiss were ignored, Child of Winds returned to his nesting to bring this news to his father. Hunter of Winds bargained with Eater of Fire Creepers, and the two resolved to work together in the future. Mara then gave Child of Winds a potential adult name, "Friend of Jedi."