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Chertyl Ruluwoor

this sterile female Selonian was sent to the Corellian Security Force for cross-training, as a sort of cultural exchange. She was in CorSec about the time Corran Horn was serving on the force. Chertyl was tall - nearly 2 meters or more - and had short, dark black fur that flashed silvery-blue in the right light. When it came time for the annual Awards Ball, the Corellian humans had targetted her as the winner of their annual pool. This pool chose the least-likely female to get a date for the ball, and "awarded" her to the winner of the pool. Corran liked Chertyl, and secretly bought up all the pool tickets, claiming that she would steal the hearts of the other officers. Thus, he won the pool, and got to take Chertyl to the Ball. He showed her the time of her life. Although she was infertile, she wasn't incapable, as Corran found out following the Ball. They shared a wonderful evening in each others' arms, but the morning brought a startling revelation. Chertyl's flesh actually began to burn from contact with Corran's acidic sweat, and Corran discovered he was allergic to her fur. They were forced to cut off their physical relationship, but remained friends from then on.
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