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this silver-tipped brown Wookiee was one of the few who lived off the planet Kashyyyk during the New Order. He was forced to flee his homeworld after killing an Imperial officer who was beating a Wookiee child. Known as fierce and unrelentling, he was a bounty hunter and tracker by trade who only took dead-or-alive assignments and usually brought back proof of the deceased. Under this guise, many of the bounties which had 'escaped' him were secretted away on Alliance safeworlds. Chen - as he was called by his friends - was referred to as "the Raging Wookiee" to other Hunters. Chenlambec worn a bandoleer of black reptile skin, possibly as a warning to Trandoshans who would try to kill him for sport. He later befriended Tinian I'att and became her ng'rhr, taking her in as his apprentice. The two worked well together, saving each other's life many times while strengthening their friendship. They worked together for the chance to hunt down the Trandoshan Bossk, and eventually formed a loose relationship with the reptile during the hunt for Han Solo following the Battle of Hoth.
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