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Chase, Lowen

this New Republic starfighter pilot was captured in Kathol Sector by the forces of Moff Sarne, some two years after the Battle of Endor. Chase was a natural leader and was highly qualified as a pilot and tactician. He was imprisoned at Q'Maere, and managed to thwart all efforts at interrogation. Doctor Kraay's efforts to draw out information left Lowen in a near-schizophrenic state, and Lowen developed paranoid and egomaniacal personalities. During his imprisonment, Lowen fell in love with Corla Unser, but both agreed to hold off on forming a lasting relationship until they escaped. Their chance came when the crew of the FarStar put into Q'Maere to restock its food stores. It was Lowen who led the crew to Keleman Ciro's cell, and then helped foment a prison riot which allowed the prisoners and the FarStar's crew to escape from Doctor Kraay. He joined the crew of the FarStar, initially proving to be a leader to the prisoners rescued from Q'Maere. However, his "treatments" while at Q'Maere soon caught up with him, and he became more and more paranoid. He argued constantly with Captain Adrimetrum, and Chase's mental instability grew deeper. When Captain Adrimetrum promoted Scoryn ahead of Chase, his mind snapped and he ordered a full mutiny of the crew and prisoners. The mutiny was successful, but Chase was eventually captured and forced to stand down. Captain Adrimetrum remanded him to the ship's medical facilities in an effort to rehabilitate his mind.
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