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Charza Kwinn

this male Priapulin was the starship captain of the Star Sea Flower, and was often employed by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic whenver they needed to be transported in relative anonymity. The Jedi considered him one of the best pilots in the galaxy, praise he never failed to earn, especially after his exploits during the Montitian Extraction. Charza was entrusted by Thracia Cho Leem to carry Vergere to Zonama Sekot. A year later, Charza carried Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to the same planet, in an effort to discover her whereabouts. Charza flew his ship against the force dispatched by Wilhuff Tarkin, who wanted to take control of Zonama Sekot and present it to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Charza and his food-kin and helpers barely escaped, and managed to return to Coruscant. However, as Palpatine grew in power and the New Order was established as the galactic government, Charza found himself getting less and less work from the Jedi. Following the Jedi Purge, Charza was forced into working as a smuggler in order to make ends meet.
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