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Charr Ontee

this race of genetically engineered beings was originally created by the Kathol as a servant species. The first Charr Ontee were developed as farmers many millennia before the Galactic Civil War, but were treated as colleagues by the ancient Kathol. The occurrence of the Rift Disaster nearly exterminated the Charr Ontee, and those that survived tried to help DarkStryder protect the Kathol life-energies in the Lifewell. When the Charr Ontee told DarkStryder that it needed to re-awaken the Precursors, DarkStryder banished them. The Charr Ontee became sworn enemies of DarkStryder, living as far from its fortress on Kathol as they could. Although they developed their own civilization over the millennia, the Charr Ontee suffered from genetic degeneration. Despite this, the Charr Ontee became adept in th euse of the Ta-Ree energy, which earned them a position of power over the other species created by the Kathol. The average Charr Ontee was arachnoid in shape, with two pairs of legs amd two pairs of arms. Like spiders, the Charr Ontee possessed spinnerets which exuded a sticky webbing. In many respects, the Charr Ontee resembled the Charon race. When the crew of the FarStar arrived on Kathol to defeat Imperial Moff Sarne and DarkStryder, the Charr Ontee willingly lent their assistance.
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