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a race of arachnids that originated in a star system which was being consumed by a black hole within the realm known as Otherspace. This proximity to a black hole, coupled with the destruction wrought by the hole gave rise to the Cult of Death. The cult was a small, yet dangerous entity until the Charon developed the sublight drive. After that, the leaders of the cult began spreading their beliefs, and were able to destroy life on their homeworld as well as nearby worlds. The destruction of all life - and eventually their own - will bring the Charon in touch with the Void, which they believe is the natural progression of all beings. Under the direction of Ber'asco, who believed himself to be the Final Prophet, the Charon wiped out all life in Otherspace, but still could not become one with the Void. When the Alliance transport Celestial was deposited into Otherspace, the Charon realized that the abundance of life in realspace stood between them and the Void. Their initial attempt at entering realspace, with the help of Bane Nothos and Grand Moff Ravik, failed when Alliance agents attempted to rescue the crew of the Celestial and escaped back into realspace. Individual Charon had four arms and four legs, with an upright humanoid torso located in front of a heavy abdomen which produced a weblike substance.
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